Responsibility for the environment,<br>our products and our employees <br>is our top priority
Responsibility for the environment,<br>our products and our employees <br>is our top priority
Competence and
Responsibility for the environment,
our products and our employees
is our top priority
To protect our environment for future <br>generations, we develop environmentally <br>friendly solutions from degradable materials
Plastics as
an opportunity
To protect our environment for future
generations, we develop environmentally
friendly solutions from degradable materials
With our ecological products we make  <br>our contribution to a better environment
and sustainable
With our ecological products we make
our contribution to a better environment
Sustainable and holistic


We assume responsibility through our actions for employees & customers as well as for the environment & society. On this basis, we commit ourselves to fair treatment of all stakeholder groups in achieving our corporate objectives. Our employees are at the centre of our actions. Only their innovative spirit, driven by a motivating working atmosphere and a positive corporate culture, enables us not only to continuously achieve our customers' expectations, but to exceed them. Especially as a family business we are aware of our responsibility for the future. For this reason, environmental protection and thus the responsible use of resources is very close to our hearts, which we are constantly trying to optimise through a series of individual measures.

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